Friday, October 11, 2013

Talkshow Preparation Task

CLASS: Ilmu AlQur’an dan Hadist A & PGRA A
1.       Group Task
a.       Create a theme of the talk-show.
b.      Create 10 questions and answers based on the theme.
c.       Send your theme and questions to Deadline: 19 Oct ’13.
d.      Be ready to be the guest-stars and the host in the next meetings.
2.       Individual Task
a.       Create a biography of a figure you have gotten.
-          You can read the sample and how to make a biography in the other posts in this blog. Just search by yourself.
-          No Google translation!
-          Write your sentences simply. Use the theories/explanation you have gotten in the class.
-          The minimum of the text length is 200 words.
-          Write the source(s).
b.      Send your biography text to Deadline: 19 Oct ’13.
Note: this individual task will be reckoned as MID TERM TEST. So, do the best for your task.
Good luck!

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